Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Leopard Gecko Email Reply

I sent my Leopard Gecko project to a partner of the Glades Herp Farm named Scott Quint. In the email, I asked if he could review my project and look for flaws and things that may not be accurate. He replied with some helpful input...

"Hi Cale,
   Just a few comments
  1. The background makes it very hard to read. I'd tone that down
  2. They eat their Shed skins to hide evidence of their presence. There is no protein in the shed. It is almost all Keratin
  3. Red lamps give off red light and infrared. If it was only infrared you wouldnt be able to see it. 
  4. Lizards drop their tails as a decoy. The pattern and reflexive movement of the tail makes it a more interesting target than the lizard itself. The loss of the tail does not help them run any better.
  5. It's difficult to determine  how good or bad their vision is. I suspect it's not too bad. They are attracted to movement like any other predator. Movement give away an animal that is camouflaged. Even keen eyed cats and birds look for movement." - Scott Quint

I'm going to make these changes and repost my Glogster link!

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